Monday, January 6, 2014

Inspired by Daniel day Lewis historic performances on intense character of Abraham Lincoln .
This was a mark of tribute for not seeing Daniel day Lewis , but for seeing Lincoln.
The art sparked minutes later to watching the flick . The intensity with which the characters bang loud and deep within the viewer , was something that any film maker would yearn to learn from.
It was a fact that this movie was more of a history lesson about 13th amendment, but still the subtle treatment for characters create immense joy in watching .
Sat for a while after movie , repeating the scene's stuck in mind, Started off with a little bit of pen hatching and turned out to be one personal favorite art piece.
Call it sharing or flaunting !

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I have looked at the waves with envy when they came, touched your feet and receded receiving eternal bliss. Your footprints on sand were the most beautiful artwork ever done. The ripples in the pool as your toe gently touched the water was the pool laughing and proclaiming that she had you but not me. The tiny fishes fought to get a nibble at your toes and heels while I watched longingly.
Your feet, purer, gentler and more purifying than the water of the seven seas, was never mine. But in my dreams, I did hold your feet, brushed away those grains of sand so adamantly sticking to the fair skin, and looked at them in overwhelming devotion before you walked away.
It is that moment I cherish, I wish to relive, to be my last thought before I die. And every time I touch the rosy lotus, I laugh at the silly poet who compared your feet to the petals of the lotus. What chance did it have against the gem that you are?


( Isha talwar )- The umachikutty

The art was sparked from the extremely pretty promo pictures of the movie "thattathin marayath".

Should admit , the movie was fresh .. with fresh faces , refreshingly delightful music & beautiful cinematography .

Art .
Size - A4
Medium - Graphite pencil - HB , 2H